Simple lifestyle pregnancy strategies & Homeopathic Rx for Nausea

Pregnancy is a beautiful time of change and growth. Implementing the proper amount of nutrition, exercise, and natural remedies such as homeopathy, may help to keep the mother and baby healthy and reduce the side effects of nausea. In this blog, we will explore nutritional guidelines during pregnancy, the importance of exercise during pregnancy, and homeopathic remedies for nausea, also known as morning sickness.


The basic principles of eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats remain the same for a pregnant woman. However, nutritional requirements during pregnancy differ considerably from those of non-pregnant women, and research has shown that specific nutrients deserve special attention. Based on current nutritional science, several minerals, and vitamins are suggested to avoid the risk of developing chronic diseases later in life.

Note: Every pregnancy is unique, along with each mother's needs. Please consult with a regulated healthcare professional for customized recommendations that are ideal for you.


600 to 1,000 micrograms of folate or folic acid a day throughout pregnancy.

Folate intake during pregnancy is essential for adequate fetal and placental development.


1000 milligrams (mg) a day; pregnant teenagers need 1,300 milligrams a day.

Calcium supports the healthy functioning of the circulatory, muscular, and nervous systems.

Vitamin A

700 (mcg) a day.

Vitamin A is important for the pregnant woman and for the fetus, being essential for the maintenance of maternal night vision and fetal ocular health besides developing other organs and the fetal skeleton and maintenance of the fetal immune system.

Vitamin B6

1.9 (mg) a day.

Vitamin B6 plays vital roles in numerous metabolic processes in the human body, such as nervous system development and functioning

Vitamin B12

2.6 (mcg) a day.

Vitamin B12 is essential for the development and function of your baby's brain and spinal cord, and for forming healthy red blood cells. Vitamin B12 also helps make DNA, the genetic material in all your baby's cells.

Vitamin C

85 (mcg) a day.

Vitamin C is vital for both mom and baby. You need it for tissue repair and wound healing, and it helps your baby's bones and teeth develop, too.

Vitamin D

600 international units (IU) a day.

Vitamin D works with calcium to help build your baby's bones and teeth.


71 grams (g) a day.

Protein is crucial for your baby's growth throughout pregnancy.


27 milligrams a day.

During pregnancy, you need double the iron that non-pregnant women need. Your body needs this iron to make more blood to supply oxygen to your baby.

Prenatal supplements

Many pregnant women supplement with prenatal multivitamins to prevent vitamin and mineral deficiency and promote healthy fetal development. Your obstetrician or midwife may recommend you a prenatal vitamin, but note to choose a third-party tested supplement away from preservatives and additives.


As stated in the Canadian guidelines for physical activity in pregnant women, exercise offers many physical and emotional benefits. Physical activity may also help manage some symptoms of pregnancy and make you feel better. Pregnant women should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week over a minimum of three days per week; however, being active in various ways every day is encouraged. Moderate exercise activity is safe for most pregnant women. However, consult your doctor, or healthcare professional before you start an exercise program. The level of exercise recommended will depend on the current state of your health.

Benefits of exercise during pregnancy, according to the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC) and the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP).

  • Reduces back pain

  • Eases constipation

  • It may decrease your risk of gestational diabetes , preeclampsia and cesarean birth

  • Promotes healthy weight gain during pregnancy

  • It improves your overall fitness and strengthens your heart and blood vessels

  • helps you to lose baby weight after your baby is born

Nausea and Vomiting (morning sickness)

Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy (NVP) is a common condition that affects up to 70% of pregnant women. Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is considered the serious form of NVP, which is reported in 0.3–10.8% of pregnant women. NVP has a relatively benign course, but HG can be linked with some poor maternal, fetal, and offspring outcomes. The exact causes of NVP and HG are unknown, but there is a consensus that the disorder is multifactorial and that various genetic, endocrine, and infectious factors may be involved. Almost 70% of women experience nausea during pregnancy and 50 % experience both nausea and vomiting. It often begins at 6–8 weeks of gestation and generally resolves by 16–20 weeks; though 10 % of women will still experience symptoms after 20–22 weeks or prolong NVP and HG until delivery. Symptoms might happen at any time during the day or at night. It is a disorder that ranges from mild, to moderate to severe and is the second most common indication for pregnancy hospitalization.


Complementary and alternative medicine such as homeopathy is widely used for NVP. Because homeopathy is a safe and effective treatment, it has prompted women to turn to homeopathy to avoid the side effects of conventional medicine during pregnancy. Homeopathy can be used to enhance the patient's overall well-being and for specific problems that may arise during pregnancy and labour (Castro 1992; Handley 1993; Webb 1992, Zaren 1987).

Note: Please consult with a Registered Homeopath for customized recommendations that are ideal for you.


Homeopathic Remedies for Nausea & Vomiting by the American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine

Ipecacuanha - Persistent, constant nausea. Nothing relieves, not even vomiting. The mouth is moist with much saliva. Disgust for food and drink. Worse lying down. Nausea can last all day.

Tabacum-Violent vomiting. Nausea and vomiting with icy cold perspiration, or she becomes pale and cold after vomiting. Though cold and wanting to be wrapped up, she is better if the abdomen is uncovered. A faint sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach. Worse from the smell of tobacco, from the least motion. Better lying quietly with eyes closed and in the open air.

Sepia-The nausea is worse in the morning, immediately after rising; also in the evening after 6pm til sleep. Worse, before eating, smell, or sight of food (meat especially). Worse Lying on the side. Sepia is especially indicated if the woman has nausea from her previously (pre-pregnant) favourite foods. Bad taste in the mouth. Sensitive to odors. Bloated, sour stomach. Sepia mental symptoms which may or may not be present include: averse to being pregnant, aversion to family members, depression, and weepy Nausea may also be better for a while after eating.

Nux, Vomica-The nausea is worse in the morning and after eating. It may be accompanied by stomach cramps with spasmodic retching. Nausea with bloating and difficult belching. Better after vomiting. Sour taste. The region of the stomach is sensitive to pressure. Emotionally touchy, irritable. She may not be able to vomit though she wants to.

Cocculus indicus- is one of the most commonly used medicines for motion sickness, including carsickness and seasickness. Patients are dizzy and have a headache. They may vomit or experience diarrhea. They will feel weak, shaky, empty, or hollow. The thought or smell of food exacerbates the condition. The sitting position and exposure to fresh air aggravate the situation, whereas lying down provides relief.

Pulsatilla-The nausea is worse in the late afternoon and evening. Craving for knows not what. Thirst-less. Heat intolerance. Worse from fatty foods. Belching in which the taste of food lingers for a long time. Bitter taste in the mouth. Nausea is worse after eating. Much Gas and heartburn. Weepy. May fear not being a good mother and/or that something will happen to the baby.

Anacardium-Nausea made better by eating, such that she constantly keeps something in her stomach, nibbling all-day

Bryonia-Nausea and vomiting caused by the least motion, even the movement of eating or chewing, or sitting up in bed. Better only by keeping still and quiet. Dry mouth with much thirst. Very irritable personality

Final Suggestions

Forty weeks may sound like a long time to wait to meet your baby, but remember to enjoy time in your life with family and friends. Bringing a baby into the world is no easy task. Pregnancy can be difficult, and it's OK to feel stressed. Invest time in taking care of your emotional health by learning to manage stress, which makes for a more positive pregnancy experience. And, of course, consult a team of health practitioners for healthier advice.

All content provided is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to treat or diagnose. Readers should seek guidance from their healthcare provider for further treatment options. 


